
“Over the years, Tina has represented the County Clerk’s Office in varying roles.  In so doing, she has always and without fail represented, first and foremost, providing a level of service to citizens that is unrivaled in the sector of public service.  Her eye for detail, and attention to complete and precise work, have always been a priority for Tina.  Tina has a keen understanding of all functions that occur within the County Clerk’s office.  Her tireless study/research efforts coupled with fairness in her interpretation of state and federal law have afforded her an understanding of how to best serve citizens across the broad guidelines.

It was an honor working with such a skilled and dedicated lady on varying issues that faced the office throughout my time as Clerk and I know that Tina will make a fine representative for Larimer County as a knowledgeable and competent Clerk and Recorder.

Although Tina’s efforts are five star, her ethics, integrity, and sense of fairness carry the real weight in her being an outstanding member of the community in Northern Colorado.  Her demeanor is that of a thoughtful person aimed at performing at a very high level in all that she undertakes.  Tina gained my respected and the respect of many through her work within the office…

Please accept this as my full recommendation of Tina Harris, she will not disappoint.”

Scott Doyle, Larimer County Clerk and Recorder 2003 – 2013


“I know first hand the benefits of having an internal experienced employee move into such a critical position as the Clerk and Recorder.  I worked for three County Clerk’s prior to running for office, and it made the transition seamless.  I have also observed the difficulties of newly appointed or elected County Clerk’s that never worked in the office before.  It takes at least four years to understand the basics of the job.

Having worked with Tina, I’m impressed with her professionalism, knowledge, thoughtfulness, and strong communication skills.  Tina works extremely well with staff and has worked in all areas of the department.  Again, this experience is critical.

The position of Clerk and Recorder has changed dramatically in the 27 years of my career.  Our jobs are constantly changing, and more responsibilities are being placed on our departments.  Tina’s experience will benefit the public, staff and all Larimer County leadership.”

Tiffany Lee, LaPlata Clerk & Recorder and Twice President of the Colorado County Clerks Assn.

“Tina’s resume cannot depict the true talents and abilities this woman has to offer.  She is innovative and motivated, and her passion and determination continuously push her to overcome difficulties, while her professional attitude and infectious personality make her a joy to be around.  She works hard…seeing all obstacles as challenges, not impediments.”

Corinne Lengel, Lincoln Clerk & Recorder and Secretary of the Colorado County Clerks Assn.

“It is not just the experience in the Clerk’s office that will make Tina a great Clerk.  She is trustworthy, non-political, innovative, capable, kindhearted, highly motivated, ethical and a reliable role model for staff of Larimer County and across Colorado…stability and reliability are exactly what the Clerk and Recorder’s office needs, and I highly recommend Tina Harris…”

Justin Grantham, Fremont Clerk and Recorder and President of the Colorado County Clerks Assn.

“I have known Tina for nine years, and we worked closely together when I served as Recording Manager for the county.  Tina is the consummate professional.  She has a clear vision of how to lead, target problems and find solutions, prioritize, and to work with people from diverse professional and personal backgrounds.  I have witnessed her handle many situations with aplomb while keeping her focus on the end goal without losing the personal connection.

I relied on Tina in many instances for advice and guidance and trusted her professionalism. She is articulate, respectful, and listens.  Tina is always open to discourse. Her goal is to come to an appropriate end result that promotes the wellbeing of the county, the office, the personnel, and the citizen.

Tina has the envied ability to understand intricate and complicated processes quickly.  Larimer County is extremely fortunate to have such a well-rounded professional who is exceptionally capable to serve as Clerk and Recorder.”

Nancy Testory, Former Larimer County Clerk and Recorder Recording Manager

“I have had the pleasure of working with Tina for 20+ years in her roles (from technician to leadership)…During these years, Tina has proved to be a leader, committed/dedicated and a forward thinker/big picture with an abundance of Clerk and Recorder experience across all three Clerk divisions.  As well, Tina has participated in numerous county meetings/gatherings collaborating with county departments, displaying effective leadership skills and enhancing positive outcomes…I am confident, without reservation, that Tina is a sound choice for Larimer County and the Clerk and Recorder’s office…”

Doreen Bellfy, Former Larimer County Elections Director

A Few Words from Angela Myers

I was humbled and honored to serve as your Larimer County Clerk and Recorder from May 2013 thru May 2023, when I retired early in my third and final term.  

Larimer was blessed with an outstanding opportunity to enjoy the fruits of decades of service in Tina Harris, whom the Larimer Board of County Commissioners astutely and unanimously appointed to fill my vacancy. I was proud of them and proud for Larimer County, as they made this decision without a shred of political bias…it doesn’t get any better than that.

In every area of business or industry, the best possible answer for leadership is someone who has been there and worked their way up.  Tina Harris has been there…in the shoes of the staff who carry out the invaluable everyday tasks, directly assisting citizens with the most challenging transactions, thinking beyond herself, and collaborating with colleagues across the state and the nation.  I took seriously the importance of mentoring staff into leadership and was profoundly grateful when Tina Harris stepped up to this important role. Leaving the office in good stead meant everything to me as I moved on.

I hope every voter in Larimer County will consider the many years of investment that has been made in preparing the next generation of leaders in the Larimer Clerk and Recorder office and will consider the decades of commitment Tina Harris has made in getting to this point.  Beyond her experience, she has invested her time in training to ensure she is certified to conduct elections in Colorado, and she is becoming nationally certified (as I was) in elections administration to ensure that most meaningful of things…a broader understanding.

Tina’s professional trajectory is also a testament to her professionalism, ingenuity, and likability. She is strong, pragmatic, and visionary, and is the consummate team player. Her willingness to step up to this important role comes from her desire for seamless continuity of operations for the staff and the citizens alike. She can already take much credit for mentoring staff who now are leaders within the office…the synergy is palpable.

The most important qualities when deciding who to vote for as YOUR Larimer County Clerk and Recorder are experience within the office and commitment to non-partisan operations. These qualities cannot be found more readily than in Tina Harris, and I thank you on behalf of myself, clerk and recorder staff, and your friends and neighbors in Larimer County for your political blindness in voting Tina Harris as your Clerk and Recorder.

Please know I could not be more personally delighted to champion this opportunity for you to have continued outstanding, personable, and responsive support from YOUR Larimer Clerk and Recorder office.